京都府立医科大学 ワークライフバランス(WLB)支援センターみやこ


CC "En"

Career Support Consortium “En” (CC “En”)

We are recruiting a wide range of members from within and without the university who can assist us in the planning and operation of public relations and awareness-raising projects of the Miyako WLB Support Center.

Members are entitled to these benefits:

  1. Receive up-to-date information on career support
  2. Utilize the center as a point of contact for various inquiries and consultations
  3. Introduction and dispatch of lecturers to events, etc.

Why not join the Career Support Consortium “En” (CC “En”) to help create and benefit from the ideal support environment for medical professionals facing the challenges of childcare, nursing care, and more?

Click here to become a member.

CC “En” member application form


The Miyako, WLB(Work-Life Balance) Promotion Center,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (KPUM)

CC “En” Member Application Form

CC “En” Facilitators

CC “En” President
Hitoshi Yaku (President, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine)

CC “En” Facilitators (As of October 1, 2021)
<Off-campus> (in order of graduation year)
Eri Muso (Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Faculty of Modern Home Economics, Kyoto Kajo University),
Eito Ikeda (Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daiichi Hospital director),
Yutaka Kobayashi (Japanese Red Cross Kyoto Daini Hospital director),
Megumi Itoi (Meiji University of Integrative Medicine Plastic Surgery professor),
Hideko Tamura (Board Chairman of Tamura Hideko Ladies Clinic),
Tomoko Tanabe(President of Kyoto Medical Club),
Naoki Hirahara (Director, Gosho Nishi Hirahara Clinic)

<On campus> (in order of graduation year)
Koichi Takayama (Professor of Pulmonary Medicine),
Norito Kato (Professor of Dermatology),
Michiaki Fukui (Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism),
Sawako Fujimoto (Deputy Hospital Director and Director of Nursing),
Atsuko Fujihara (Lecturer, Department of Urologic Surgery),
Yoshiko Kaneko (Lecturer, Education Center and Respiratory Medicine),
Risa Mineoka (Lecturer in Dermatology),
Emi Ushigome (Lecturer, Department of Diabetes Therapeutics) 

Towards the launch of the Career Support Consortium “EN” (April 1, 2017)

We will better be equipped to create a more flexible field of medicine and tackle the challenges of advanced medical care by enabling all people, regardless of gender, involved in the practice of medicine to lead richer, more balanced lives. I hope that this consortium will serve as a place where students and graduates can support each other, whether within or without the university, from their student days on through to their post-graduate years.

Eri Muso (Department of Nephrology, Kitano Hospital, Tazuke Kofukai Medical Research Institute)

I am pleased to announce my becoming a facilitator of CC “En”. I will do my utmost to help young instructors develop a clearer image of their future careers. I look forward to working with you. 

Koichi Takayama (Professor of Pulmonary Medicine)

Are you a doctor who is not able to leverage your potential to the fullest as a result of childcare, nursing care for family members, or other responsibilities? Why not become a member of the Career Support Consortium “En” to help create a better work environment and reap those benefits? Supporting doctors in this way in turn helps classrooms and universities, so you can help us contribute to medical education by joining us in planning and managing publicity and awareness programs for the Center for the Promotion of Gender Equality. You are sure to benefit from it!

Michiaki Fukui (Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism)

CC “En” Implementation Guidelines

The Miyako, WLB(Work-Life Balance) Promotion Center,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (KPUM)

“En” Career Support Consortium Implementation Guidelines

Article 1: Purpose
These guidelines set forth matters concerning the Career Support Consortium “En” (“CC En”) for which the Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Miyako Work-Life Balance Support Center (“Center”) recruits per Article 8 of the Outline for Establishment of the selfsame organization.

Article 2: Convocation
The Center may at any time recruit CC En members from within and without the university.

 2 The Center shall elect the following persons from among members.
   President: 1 member
   Facilitators: select members (small quantity)

 3 The term of office of the president and partners shall be three years. However, this shall
         not preclude reappointment.

Article 3: Holding of meetings
CC En shall hold a regular meeting once a year.
 2 Special meetings shall be called by the president as necessary.

Article 4: Nature of work
CC En shall cooperate in the execution of the following center activities.
  (1) Public relations and awareness programs (planning and operation thereof)
  2 The Center shall provide the following services to CC En.
  (1) Distribution of the center’s newsletter to members
  (2) Acceptance of various consultations from members
  (3) Dispatch of lecturers to regular meetings, lectures, etc.

Article 5: Protection of personal information
In accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, CC En shall manage personal information with the utmost care.

Article 6: Amendment
Revision of these guidelines shall be carried out by resolution of the Center Management Committee.

Other matters necessary for the implementation of these guidelines shall be determined separately by the Center director with the approval of the Center management committee.

Additional provisions
These guidelines are effective April 1, 2017.
Additional provisions
These guidelines are effective April 1, 2019.

CC “En” video

We have created a promotional video for the Career Support Consortium “En” (CC “En”).

The video has also been featured as part of footage by the Department of Pulmonary Medicine.
Click here for the Department of Pulmonary Medicine’s video content page.