京都府立医科大学 ワークライフバランス(WLB)支援センターみやこ


1月21日(金)タイ チュラロンコン大学との合同セミナー

Joint Seminar on Supporting a Better Work-Life Balance

“Learn from Abroad” ―Chulalongkorn University, Thailand

       タイ チュラロンコン大学」
日  時:令和4年1月21日(金)
言 語:英語
申込方法: Web申込フォーム(こちら)に必要事項を入力し、お申込みください。
More than half of faculty members of medicine are female at Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand.
We would like to learn from CU and share our good practices holding a seminar, and seek similarities and differences between us.
Theme”Learn from Abroad”―Chulalongkorn University, Thailand 
Date and Time:January 21, 2022, 15:00-16:00 (BKK time) / 17:00-18:00(JST) 
Online Seminar (Zoom Meeting)
Language: English
How to apply: Please submit the following form by January 19.
MC:Dr. Iwai, Coordinator, The Miyako, WLB Promotion Center
1. Opening Statements                                         
 Prof. Mizuno, Director, International Academic Exchange Center
 Prof. Sotozono, Vice-director, The Miyako, WLB Promotion Center
  Assoc Prof. Vilavun PuangsircharoeonChairman of Dep. of Ophthalmology, CU
2. Introduction of Our Current Situations and Support Systems Regarding WLB
1.Current Situations of KPUM and Activities of The Miyako, WLB Promotion Center
   Dr. Kaneko, Vice-director, The Miyako, WLB Promotion Center 
2. Introduction of CU team
 Assoc Prof. Visanee Tantisevi, Deputy Chairman of International Affairs, Department of Ophthalmology    
3. Introduction of Current Situation of CU
   Assoc Prof. Vilavun Puangsircharoeon                            
4. Best Practices conducted at CU
 Dr. Vannarut Satitpitakul and Kitiya Ratanawongphaibul, Department of Ophthalmology         
3. Panel Discussion (Questions from KPUM to CU and Replies from CU)                       Theme: Current Situations and Challenges for the future 
  Moderator: Assoc Prof. Visanee Tantisevi and Prof. Sotozono
  Panelist: Dr. Vannarut Satitpitakul and Kitiya Ratanawongphaibul (CU)
               Dr. Ushigome (Diabetes Therapeutics), Dr. Kaneko,
               Dr. Morita and Dr. Iizuka (Endocrine & Breast Surgery) (KPUM)
4. Closing Remarks                          
 Prof. Morimoto, Director, The Miyako, WLB Promotion Center
   Assoc Prof. Vilavun Puangsircharoeon
Organizer: The Miyako, WLB Promotion Center
International Academic Exchange Center, KPUM

Co-organizer: International Affairs, CU



 京都府立医科大学 WLB支援センター みやこ
 Tel:075-251-5165(内線 9503)  email:miyako@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp


主 催 : 京都府立医科大学 ワークライフバランス支援センター みやこ (WLB支援センター みやこ)・国際学術交流センター 

共 催 : タイ チュラロンコン大学 国際センター