京都府立医科大学 ワークライフバランス(WLB)支援センターみやこ


Subsidy for use of childcare, etc.

We accept applications for subsidies for the use of childcare and other services.

(Applications for FY2022 are no longer being accepted.)

The program subsidizes a portion of the cost of temporary childcare services for clinical, research, or teaching-related work that exceeds normal working hours.

Childcare Expenses Subsidy for FY2022 at Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine

October 12, 2022             
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
WLB Support Center Miyako       

  1. Purpose
    This project is designed to support medical staff and researchers of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (hereafter referred to as “the University”) in balancing work and childcare by providing subsidies for the use of childcare support services. The purpose of this project is to support medical staff and researchers of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (hereinafter referred to as “the University”) in balancing work and child rearing by providing subsidies for the use of childcare support services, thereby improving the quality of the University’s medical services and stimulating research activities.

  2. Eligibility
    Faculty and staff of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (including fixed-term employees, students, trainees, etc.)

  3. Reasons for subsidy eligibility
    (1)Clinical, research, or teaching-related work that exceeds normal work hours (e.g., meetings, extended clinic hours, supervising or assisting with on-campus examinations, etc.)
    (2)To participate in academic conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
    (3)Temporary closure of nursery schools and elementary schools, etc.

  4. Target age of child to be assisted
    Children from 0 years old to 6th grade elementary school

  5. Subsidy amount
    The maximum amount is 10,000 yen per application for one day, and in principle, the maximum amount is 50,000 yen in total during the fiscal year.

  6. Subsidy period
    October 12, 2022 – February 28, 2023 (deadline for application submission)
    However, the program will be terminated when the budgeted amount for the fiscal year has been reached.
  7. How to apply
    After using the service, the applicant shall promptly submit an application form (Form 1 attached hereto) and the original receipt (photocopies not acceptable) to the Director of the WLB Support Center Miyako.
    ※Trainees must also submit a copy of their research or medical employment authorization letter.

  8. Contact information (for inquiries)
    Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine WLB Support Center Miyako
    mail:miyako@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp tel : 075-251-5165(extension 9503)

